What: A magical natural light show
Guest Stars: Synchronous Lightning Bugs, 1 of 2,000 firefly species, less than 1% of fireflies
Who: the first 800-900 people
Where: Great Smoky Mountain National Park or Southeast Asia
When: 2 weeks in June, approx. June 6-14th, nightly show at approx. 9-9:30PM
Yes, the synchronous lightning bugs are only found in GSMNP (Elkmont campground as most well known location within the park) or Southeast Asia (specifically the rivers in Kampang Kuantan Malaysia). For me, the GSMNP location in TN would be much closer and cheaper trip.
For many years the only known synchronous fireflies in the world were found in Malaysia. It was within our lifetime that the lightning bugs were documented as being in the US too (1994). In the early 1990's an Elkmont community resident & naturalist noticed the lightning bugs in Elkmont. She convinced a professor at Georgia Southern University to visit.
Are these lighning bugs exactly the same in 2 far apart places? Although both flash in synchrony, the light pattern is different. The Asian lightning bugs oscillate their flashing in a metronome like manner (on, off, on, off) in a regular sequence. However, the Elmont fireflies flash in a series of about six blinks and then pause for awhile before starting again. Why the difference, I'm not certain. I think scientists have a lot more to learn about these newly found beetles.
If you accepted such invitation, here's the directions you would be given:
When: Trolleys begin at 6PM & end when full or 9PM (previous reports of being full at 7:30PM or earlier). Trolley to site runs every 20-25 minutes. Trolley returns up to 11PM.
What to bring: Flashlights with red cellophane, lawn chairs & blankets, food & water in backpacks. No alcohol or pets. Please note there is no service at the site & only portable potties.